Thursday, April 8, 2010

She's Out of My League

The storyline of She's Out of My League is not a particularly new one. Average boy (with average friends, average job, annoying family and ex-girlfriend) meets Gorgeous Girl with great job, hot friends, perfect parents and a GQ/Fighter Pilot ex-boyfriend. Sparks, amazingly enough, fly. In League, the average guy is Kirk (played by Jay Baruchel, of Tropic Thunder, Knocked Up, and 2010's Sorcerer's Apprentice,) an unassuming "6". who works in airport security and one day, through a series of only slightly unbelievable events, finds himself meeting and dating the aforementioned perfect girl, Molly a "hard 10." Naturally, Kirk can't figure out why Molly is interested, so enter Kirk's knucklehead friends and family who offer no support, ridiculous advice, and eventually beat Kirk's self-confidence to a pulp... so much so that there's nothing left. for Kirk or for Molly. Hilarity ensues.

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