Saturday, April 24, 2010

McAfee VirusScan Definition 5961

With thousands of new viruses created every day, relying on traditional security updates isn't enough anymore. That's why we added McAfee Active Protection™ technology.

Unlike the competition, this exclusive feature instantly analyzes and blocks new and emerging threats in milliseconds so there's no gap in your protection. It detects more threats to your PC than ever before.

Features and Benefits

1. Exclusive McAfee Active Protection technology

Revolutionary McAfee Active Protection technology provides the fastest protection against malicious threats to your PC. Unlike the competition, new and emerging threats are analyzed and blocked in milliseconds, so you don't have to wait for regular updates to arrive.

2. Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware

Detects, blocks, and removes viruses, spyware, adware, even rootkits—insidious programs designed to tamper with your PC.

3. Two-Way Firewall

Blocks outsiders from hacking into your PC.

4. McAfee SiteAdvisor

Helps you know about a website's risks before you click to stop malware threats. Advanced "phishing" protection alerts you to websites that may try to steal your identity or gain access to your financial information. Provides site ratings in 22 popular search engines.

5. McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus

Stay safe with instant message and email link checking. Identifies and prevents you from clicking on harmful website links in your browser, email, or instant messages.

Download McAfee VirusScan Definition 5961

by: cnet
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